
Fat (video) Tuesday – Ocean Shores Beach Blanket Bingo

Last month I was fortunate enough to get an invitation to come out and ride fat-bikes on the beach with some old friends in Ocean Shores, Washington. Beach riding in the Great Lakes has been seriously curtailed by high lake levels. Most of our favorite beach rides are underwater, with the exception of the beach down in Zion, where we’re holding next month’s Grand Funduro Beach Ride and Ball.

Today’s video is from your tio Gomez and features pics and clips from the three glorious days spent in Ocean Shores riding along the Pacific Ocean with my Northwest Fat Bike Amigos!

Somewhere in the middle of the vid, Randy #sharkfox jumps the shark (ala Fonzie) with his fatty. He was almost immediately rewarded with a flat tire! (no sharks were harmed during the filming of the video)

Would you share your Plus or Fat Pixels? Give us your tired, your poor, Your huddled pixels, yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming hard drive. Send your pics and videos to uncle and if you include your mailing address, we’ll send you some stickers (see below). Even if you live in a far away, distant fat-bike paradise.


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