Weekly Dose of Fat

Here’s some of what we read around the web this week as Fat-Bike-related news stories are popping up more than ever.

http://sportsyakima.com/2011/10/fat-chance-get-past-their-looks-and-you-might-like-fat-bikes/ – A story on the Yakima Herarld’s sportsyakima.com site about the growing interest in fat-biking in southern Oregon and Northern California as well as an intro to fat-biking in general. Like a lot of stories geared towards newbies, it mentions the “giggle factor”.

http://coastkid.blogspot.com/2011/10/pugs-in-woods.html – Coastkid, Bruce, posted a vid and a short story about recent Pug riding on the East Lothian, Scotland trails. Nice, FAT, crossup!

http://velodirt.com/2011/10/oregon-dunes-north/ – Great story about Fat-Bike Dune Riding at the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. As the author, Donnie, states in the article “If you don’t have a fatbike, go get one. It’s the most fun you’ll have on 2 wheels. Seriously.”

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Black-Hills-Fat-Bike-Society/265313033507561 – The Black Hills Fat Bike Society has a Facebook Page!

http://www.bfw.org/2011/10/26/schlick-northpaw-first-ever-geared-belt-drive-fatbike/ – Article on the the Bike Federation of Wisconsin’s website about Communications Director, Dave Schlabowske’s new Gates Belt Drive Fat-Bike and some great general info as well.

http://thelazyrando.wordpress.com/2011/10/26/fat-aint-just-for-winter/ – The Lazy Randonneur notes that “Fat-Bikes Ain’t Just for Winter!”

http://morayfatbike.blogspot.com/2011/10/random-moray-riding.html – Random Fat-Bike riding in Scotland.

http://thelazyrando.wordpress.com/2011/10/27/pugsley-redux-part-1/ – The Lazy Rando gets his Pug ready for a Redux!

http://coastkid.blogspot.com/2011/10/high-tide-and-big-swell.html – More great photos from the Coastkid as the Big Swells hit the Scottish shore.

About Greg Smith 1131 Articles
Greg Smith, known to many site visitors as Sven Hammer, founded Fat-bike.com in 2011 and the site quickly became the #1 online community for all things Fat. You can currently find Greg outfitting Everyday Cycles; a Milwaukee, WI retailer of gear for fatbikers, adventure cyclists and urban assault riders.