Time Tested Thursday – the Butterball & the Beer

What can we say about the old Butterball that hasn’t been said before? Nothing rides, like a butterball? Well there’s a hotline that you can call if you have questions about how to ride, thaw, baste, brine, roast, deep fry, pan fry, braise, fricassee or stuff your butterball turkey.  The Butterball Turkey Talk-Line employs more than 50 professionally trained, college-educated home economists and nutritionists, who respond to more than 100,000 questions each November and December.

Phone Number: 1-800-BUTTERBALL (1-800-288-8372). The Butterball®Turkey Talk-Line is open annually in November and December.

So enough about giving the family the bird……..

Let’s begin a conversation about what kind of beer goes best with the Thanksgiving Feast. Since we live in a time that enjoys such a rich and diverse cornucopia of craft beer choices let me share, what I’ll be serving to my boys, while we fry up the bird, and then you can reply and share what you’ll be enjoying with your families!

So here goes…


Black Scotch AleTM

Scotch style ale – 12 oz. bottles. ABV: 6.3%

Now share what you’ve got on tap!

Happy Thanksgiving Amigos!!!


About Gomez 2576 Articles
Just an old cat that rides bikes, herds pixels, ropes gnomes and sometimes writes stories. I love a good story.


  1. I opened the following . . .

    Three Floyd’s Dark Lord – 2010 Vintage
    Founder’s Blushing Monk
    Avery’s Collaboration not Litigation Ale

    It was a good night.

  2. late but i had a founders old curmudgeon, which had a suprising chocolate malt kind of flavor to it for a oldale/barleywine. my moms cranberry sauce kicks ass. go pack.

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