Holy mackerel! It’s already June. Just a few more months ’till the winter fatbike season is here! Wait a second, we still have a WHOLE summer and fall to go but, being June, it did get me to thinking about how fast this year is flying by. And, to remind all you event planners that it is not too early to get events posted on the Events Calendar so if you have events planned, shoot us a note! Calendar listings are still FREE! info@fat-bike.com
A couple of events are coming up that fatbikes will be a part of. Check them out if you are in the area.
Next weekend June 8th-10th is the 4th Dirt Burger, loosely run by Sov from Surly and the Decorah Human Powered Trails crew, in Decorah, IA.
The following weekend, June 16th, is the 28th! Fat Tire Tour of Milwaukee. Fatbikes have been a part of the contingent for several years. I hear Zito is back in town and that Trusky may actually fix the flat on Zito’s Pug. Hope to see you there, Dudes! Expect 300-plus riders on this annual event.
Elsewhere in Fatbike News!
http://tonilund.blogspot.com/2012/05/one-year-with-9zero7.html – One year with Toni’s 9:Zero:7 in Finland.
http://coastkid.blogspot.com/2012/05/perfect-beach-riding-shoes.html – Been thinking about this myself. Bruce seems to have found the “Perfect Beach Riding Shoes”.
http://www.sierratradingpost.com/rocky-mudsox-rubber-boots-waterproof-16‘‘-for-men~p~4593m/ – I am thinking about giving these a try for the more rugged beach riding in our area!
Floating fatbikes seem to be getting popular as the weather, and water, warms! Besides our photo above here are a couple more.
http://deathrideradventure.blogspot.com/2012/05/it-floats.html – In Minnesota…
http://deathrideradventure.blogspot.com/2012/05/moon-lander-goes-swimming.html – Moonlander swimming
http://surlybikes.com/blog/post/what_we_did_on_our_summer_vacation._by_surly_bikes – On team building, biking and fatbikes.
http://deathrideradventure.blogspot.com/2012/05/gravel-canyon_25.html – Gravel Canyon and fatbikes.
http://deathrideradventure.blogspot.com/2012/05/utah-miscellaneous.html – More Utah and fatbike pix.
http://milltowncycles.blogspot.com/2012/05/custom-wheel-build-robs-fat-front.html – Like fat bike wheel builds?
http://morayfatbike.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/high-rollers.html – Scottish fatbiking.
http://coastkid.blogspot.com/2012/05/25-years-ago.html – If you want to know a bit more about Bruce, the Coastkid, this will be for you.