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Singlespeed Pirate – Burnsey shot this photo of his Surly Pugs SS during Kansas City’s 1st snow of the season on 12/20/12. He says “Oops, couldn’t help myself” – late to work again a.m. rogue trail wonderings.
Feel free to download it and use it as your own wallpaper. Just click on the image to open the full-sized version which you can right-click to save.
Got your own Wallpaper Worthy Photo? We’d sure like to see what is happening in your neck of the fat-bike woods!
If you’ve got a fat-bike related image that you feel is “Wallpaper Worthy”, slap it in an email with what, where, why info as well as photographer’s credit to wallpaper@fat-bike.com and you may see your creative work here!
Serene…Very Nice
Love this shot!