Fat (video) Tuesday – GFBD Örnsköldsvik, Sweden

If you haven’t heard, Global Fat-Bike Day is this Saturday so we cued up a throwback to GFBD 2017 in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden for this week’s Fat (video) Tuesday feature. GFBD is a great day to get together with your ride amigos and maybe join in with other groups of riders. Who knows, you might meet some new ride amigos and have the time of your life!

Would you share your Plus or Fat Pixels?

Give us your tired, your poor, Your huddled pixels, yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming hard drive. Send your pics and videos to uncle gomez@fat-bike.com and if you include your mailing address, we’ll send you some stickers (see below). Even if you live in a far away, distant fat-bike paradise.


About Gomez 2576 Articles
Just an old cat that rides bikes, herds pixels, ropes gnomes and sometimes writes stories. I love a good story.