
Event Calendar

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The week's events

  • Fatty Caddy (MI)

    Category: Race Fatty Caddy (MI)

    February 25, 2023

    Hugh Jass (WI)

    Category: Race Hugh Jass (WI)

    February 25, 2023

    Fat & Flurious Fat Bike Race

    Category: Race Fat & Flurious Fat Bike Race

    February 25, 2023

    We are excited to be bringing back the Fat & Flurious for 2023 but this year we are adding to the adventure! This year's Fat & Flurious will be starting at SUNSET! This means that headlights and tailights will be REQUIRED!

    The Fat & Flurious will be a 2-lap fat bike race utilizing the Missouri River Natural Area trails along the Missouri River. Each lap will be approximately 5 miles. Race will begin shortly after 6:30pm. Laps will be counted as racers cross through the start/finish line.

    If 2- laps aren't enough, sign up for Too Fat, Too Flurious for twice the fun! The 4-lap race will use the same route as the 2-lap Fat & Flurious race. This race will begin at 6:30pm.

    Registration includes custom Fat & Flurious race swag. Race plates and swag can be picked up at 701 Cycle and Sport on Friday, February 24th from 4-6pm or Race day at the Missouri River Natural Area Trailhead starting at 5:30pm. Registration closes at 6pm on 02/25/2023. Race meeting at 6pm.

    Tires must be at least 3.8" width. Helmets, headlights, and tailights are REQUIRED!
    REFUND POLICY: No refunds, no exceptions.