
Event Calendar

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Events in November 2021 Event Calendar

  • Holly Gravel

    Category: Race Holly Gravel

    November 1, 2021

    Start and finish will be a perfect location from the beach at Holly Recreation. You got Gravel Time Bike, OR Gravel Time Run. That's right to do one or do both, the decision is yours. Distances too long for the run, no worries grab a few friends and run the gravel relay. This is not your typical flat farmland gravel event. This is going to take you on some of the hilliest gravel roads you have seen. As we say what goes up must come down so given what mother nature could have or shall we say will have at one of the events this could be one of the more fun gravel events out there.

  • HughJass #1 Lake Geneva WI

    Category: Race HughJass #1 Lake Geneva WI

    November 27, 2021

    Yukon Fat Bike Rally

    Category: Festival Yukon Fat Bike Rally

    November 27, 2021

    We’re kicking off the Yukon’s 2021/22 fat bike season with a fun event at the Gunnar Nilsson and Mikey Lammers Research Forest trails.

    This is a family-friendly, low-key affair on a 5km course. Route will be flagged and available on Strava. Do as many laps as you want, at your own pace. Beginners welcome!

    We will use the Research Forest building and serve hot drinks and snacks. Bring your own thermal mug.

    Gunnar Nilsson and Mickey Lammers Research Forest
    Whitehorse, Yukon, Y0B 1Y0