Full Spectrum Cycling #41 – Now and Then with Spinner and The Pugsley Games

Join Sven, JK and Tony as they welcome Spinner to the show to talk about the Pugsley Games that will be part of the Water by the Lake event in Zion, IL this weekend. Remember when 4K was the frequency cutoff for voices on the telephone and now 4K is high-def television? Well this is episode is kind of like that! Or, to put it another way, Sven forgot to push the record button for the first part of the show. Luckily we always make a backup! So revel in the glory of technology old and new on this, the 41st Full Spectrum Cycling Show!

The Milwaukee fatbike crew has staked out this spot at Bradford Beach to take in the Polar Plunge for over 10 years now!
The dips doing the dip at the Milwaukee Polar Plunge. Close to 40 this year so there were A LOT of plungers!
Jeff’s new Chumba Ursa Major! Just in time for the New Year’s ride.
Sven’s 27+ Chumba Stella Ti and Milwaukee back there.
Been out on the Milwaukee Harbor breakwater quite a bit lately. This time with a Wyatt Maverick Fatbike.
Flying Kites is another New Year’s Day Tradition in Milwaukee.

Events Coming Up

Fat-bike.com event Calendar – https://fat-bike.com/event-calendar/ – Add in your event!

About Greg Smith 1127 Articles
Greg Smith, known to many site visitors as Sven Hammer, founded Fat-bike.com in 2011 and the site quickly became the #1 online community for all things Fat. You can currently find Greg outfitting Everyday Cycles; a Milwaukee, WI retailer of gear for fatbikers, adventure cyclists and urban assault riders.