Fat (video) Tuesday – Beach Wheelie

And then there’s this from Bruce Mathieson: aka: the coastkid. Bruce is the Viceroy of  Scottish Beach Cycling and rides, one hell of good wheelie! His clips of exploring the scenic beach riding around East Lothian, have inspired thousands – (myself included!)  A trip to Scotland to ride fat-bikes on the beach is, most definitely, on my list for next summer!


Where do you dream about riding your fatty?


Send us your wildest fat-bike fantasies, scribbled down on cocktail napkins or per chance, via email. My email is a complete and total secret, but you can reach Greg at info@fat-bike.com – Mi nombre esta es ~gomez~ – and don’t wear it out!

About Gomez 2576 Articles
Just an old cat that rides bikes, herds pixels, ropes gnomes and sometimes writes stories. I love a good story.


  1. Bruce might as well add a fat unicycle to his litter of bikes! One of the best fatty blogs out there for sure and it played a big part in me getting my first fatty this summer (along wtih FAT-BIKE.COM of course!).

  2. Again a nice film from Bruce. One of the first things i do when i wake up is to see if Bruce wrote a new story! It is a shame that we can’t ride our fat bikes erverywere in the Netherlands like him in scotland.

  3. He is one of the reasons I got a fat bike. His vids sold me on the magic of beach riding. I’m even practicing wheelies now.

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