Today’s Wallpaper Wednesday comes to us from Diamond Dave Miller and features the Atlantic Ocean for gnome’s sake! Dave’s from Wilmington North Carolina which is the home of the US Open Fat Bike Beach Championships. This really makes me want to go beach riding right meow!
Send us your Wallpaper(s)
Do you have a baller Fat, Klunk, Singlespeed, Gravel, Tweed, RatRod, etc. as your wallpaper on the ole lappy 2000? Send us a hi-resolution image and we’ll enter you to win one of these new Klunkadelic T-shirts. Entries must be received by 8/31/21. Email your entry to with Wallpaper Contest as the subject line. The winner will be announced on Labor Day 2021 (9/6/21)
Beautiful wallpaper. I set this wallpaper on my Windows 10 system.