This week’s Wallpaper Wednesday comes from South Africa! Dave Caravias operates a fat-bike, shark dive, guest house tour company down there and Dave has a great eye! Check it out at You can visit a decade of Wallpaper images in our archives. Check that out right here –
Share Some Bicycle Love
Have you taken a lovely photograph of your bicycle in the Sun/Moon/Gnome-Light? Are you fond of stickers and have a mailbox? Then we might be persuaded to send you some sweet stickers. All that you have to do is send us a high-resolution photo to along with your mailing address and we’ll chuck some stickers in an envelope and slap a stamp on there for good measure. The site has fewer and fewer product-driven posts and more and more people-driven posts. This is our way of reaching out into the fat-bike community and providing a canvas to paint beautiful portraits about the world of bike-fun.